NN Name Version Description
1 gh-pr-list 0.000007 Get PRs list for a GutHub repository
2 git-async-push 0.001016 Make an asynchronous push to remote git repositories
3 git-base 0.003001 Installs git and makes simple git configuration.
4 git-bash-completion 0.000002 Installs git bash completion
5 git-branch-delete 0.000001 Remove git branch (local and remote)
6 git-commit 0.000003 Make git commit
7 git-commit-data 0.000004 Get git commit data
8 git-commits-by-author 0.000008 List total commits by author (sorted by commit count)
9 git-commits-by-author-and-period 0.000001 List total commits by author for period of time
10 git-current-branch 0.000001 Get current git branch
11 git-dir-pull 0.000001 Walks through the list of sub directories ( located at $CWD ) and invoke git pull command for every directory found.
12 git-fix-email 0.000001 Fix pushed commits with wrong email
13 git-pull 0.000002 Make git pull for current branch
14 git-push 0.000007 Make git push for current branch
15 git-submodules-update 0.001009 recursively update git submodules
16 git-svn-export 0.004010 Export (multiple) svn repositories into (multiple) git repositories.
17 git-updated-dirs 0.000004 Get directories updated between git commits
18 git-url-https-to-ssh 0.000001 Replace github git https URL by ssh equivalent
19 gitea-reporter 0.000005 Gitea reporter
20 gitlab-run-pipeline 0.000005 Runs gitlab pipeline
21 gitprep 0.002001 Installs gitprep server