Select lines between two patterns using awk.
The author of original awk script is [fedorqui](https://stackoverflow.com/users/1983854/fedorqui).
The code is taken from [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/38972737/5147708).
$ s6 --install awk-select-lines
To print lines between two patterns (`$pat1` and `$pat1`) in `$file`:
$ s6 --plg-run awk-select-lines@file=/path/to/file/example.txt,pat1=PAT1,pat2=PAT2,mode=2
Setting mode:
`Mode` parameter define the selection logic, based on explanation taken from [https://stackoverflow.com/a/38972737/5147708](https://stackoverflow.com/a/38972737/5147708)
* `mode=1` (default mode) - Print lines between PAT1 and PAT2
* `mode=2` - Print lines between PAT1 and PAT2 - not including PAT1 and PAT2
* `mode=3` - Print lines between PAT1 and PAT2 - including PAT1
* `mode=4` - Print lines between PAT1 and PAT2 - including PAT2
* `mode=5` - Print lines between PAT1 and PAT2 - excluding lines from the last PAT1 to the end of file if no other PAT2 occurs
# Plugin maintainer
Alexey Melezhik
# Prerequisites
Awk should be installed