Export (multiple) svn repositories into (multiple) git repositories.
s6 --install git-svn-export
s6 --plg-run git-svn-export@,local_dir=/path/to/local/git/repositories/,svn_repo=http://svn_repositories/private
# Parameters
## local_dir
This should be a local path to a directory containing a _local git repositories_.
If `local_dir` does not exist it will be created and initialized by empty directories get listed as:
svn list $svn_repo
## svn_repo
This should be a svn repo URL.
For example:
## project
Only proceed a given project. Should be a name of sub directory inside `$local_dir`
For example:
## skip_init
Set this parameter if you want to skip initialization stage, see `local_dir` parameter section.
# See also
[git-async-push](https://sparrowhub.org/info/git-async-push) - a plugin for asynchronous pushes to remote git repositories.
# Author
Alexey Melezhik