# k8s-pod-check
Checks that k8s pod(s) is running
# Install
s6 --install k8s-pod-check
# Usage
# Verify that all pods having nginx
# Prefix in name are running
task-run "nginx pod check", "k8s-pod-check", %(
name => "nginx",
namespace => "dev",
# Verify group of pods:
$checks-failed = 0;
for 'pod1', 'pod2', 'pod3' -> $p {
my %st = task-run "pod check", "k8s-pod-check", %(
name => $p,
namespace => "dev",
die-on-check-fail => False,
$checks-failed += %st<__data__><task-check-err-cnt> || 0;
say "checks failed: ", $checks-failed;
die if $checks-failed;
# Parameters
## name
Prefix in pod name. Required.
## namespace
K8s namespace. Optional, default value is `default`
## num
Number of pods running. Optional. Default value is `1`
## die-on-check-fail
Don't die if a pod check fails, useful when test a group of pods.
Optional. Default values is `True`.
## debug
Bool. Enable debug mode. Optional. Default value is `False`
# Dependencies
`k8s cli`
# Author
Alexey Melezhik