Generic package manager. Installs packages using OS specific package managers.
OS supported:
* Debian, Ubuntu - apt
* CentOS, Fedora - yum
* Alpine Linux - apk
* Archlinux - pacman
$ s6 --install package-generic
## Cli
$ s6 --plg-run package-generic@list='curl telnet nano'
## API
task-run 'install my packages', 'package-generic', %(
list => 'nano hunspell mc'
DSL shortcut:
package-install 'nano hunspell mc';
# Plugin parameters
## list
Should be space separated list of packages to install
list nano hunspell mc
## action
Should be one of two: `install|autoremove`. Autoremove is only supported for Debian, Ubuntu systems.
Default value is `install`;
# Installing OS depended packages
One may install OS dependent packages using list HASH notation:
task-run 'install apache web server', 'package-generic', %(
list => %(
'debian' => ( 'apache2' ),
'centos7' => ( 'httpd', 'mod_ssl' ),
[Alexey Melezhik](mailto:melezhik@gmail.com)