NN Name Version Description
1 go-build 0.000001 Build golang project
2 go-example 0.000006 golang API example
3 go-format 0.000003 Runs go formater for golang project
4 go-tour-channel-buff 0.000001 Go tour channel-buff example
5 go-tour-channel-close 0.000001 Go tour channel-close example
6 go-tour-channel-select 0.000001 Go tour channel-select example
7 go-tour-channel-tick-boom 0.000001 Go tour channel-tick-boom example
8 go-tour-channel01 0.000001 Go tour channel01 example
9 go-tour-closures-fib 0.000002 Go tour closures-fib example
10 go-tour-deffer 0.000001 Go tour deffer example
11 go-tour-func-values 0.000001 Go tour func values example
12 go-tour-go-tour-interfaces3 0.000001 Go tour go-tour-interfaces3 example
13 go-tour-go-tour-receiver 0.000001 Go tour go-tour-receiver example
14 go-tour-interfaces 0.000001 Go tour interfaces example
15 go-tour-interfaces-nill-values 0.000001 Go tour interfaces-nill-values example
16 go-tour-interfaces2 0.000001 Go tour interfaces2 example
17 go-tour-maps 0.000001 Go tour maps example
18 go-tour-maps-count 0.000002 Go tour maps count example
19 go-tour-maps2 0.000001 Go tour maps example number 2
20 go-tour-maps3 0.000001 Go tour maps example number 3
21 go-tour-pointers 0.000001 Go tour pointers example
22 go-tour-pointers-to-struct 0.000001 Go tour pointers-to-struct example
23 go-tour-range-power-of-two 0.000002 Go tour range powers of two example
24 go-tour-slice 0.000012 Go tour slice example
25 go-tour-slice-picture 0.000001 Go tour slice range picture example
26 go-tour-slices-of-append 0.000003 Go tour slices of slices append example
27 go-tour-slices-of-slices 0.000005 Go tour slices of slices example
28 go-tour-switch 0.000001 Go tour switch example
29 go-tour-switch2 0.000012 Go tour switch2 example