NN Name Version Description
1 aws-configure-function 0.000001 update aws lambda function configuration
2 aws-create-function 0.000002 Create aws lambda function
3 aws-cw-cpu 0.000010 Sparrow plugin to show CPUUtilization for ec2 instance
4 aws-delete-function 0.000001 delete aws lambda function
5 aws-ec2 0.000002 Create/get aws ec2 instance
6 aws-launch-cfg-show 0.000002 Sparrow plugin to print launch configuration in human readable format
7 aws-list-private-images 0.000003 list private aws images
8 aws-list-tag-instances 0.000011 list tagged aws instances in human readable format
9 aws-run-instance 0.000014 run aws instance
10 aws-show-instance 0.000005 Sparrow plugin to print ec2 instance info in human readable format
11 aws-subnet 0.000006 Create/get aws subnet
12 aws-update-function 0.000001 Update aws lambda function code