NN Name Version Description
1 ado-git-branch-create 0.000003 Creates Git repository in Azure Devops project
2 ado-git-branch-delete 0.000002 Delete Git repository in Azure Devops project
3 ado-git-branch-init 0.000002 Initialize Git repository in Azure Devops project
4 ado-git-branch-list 0.000006 List Git branches in Ado project
5 ado-install-agent 0.000008 Install/configure ado build agent
6 ado-install-agent-as-user 0.000013 Install/configure ado build agent with user privileges
7 ado-permissions-calculator 0.000006 Calculate permission number for azure devops permissions
8 ado-pipeline-build 0.000017 Run Ado pipelines and list builds using azure devops cli
9 ado-project 0.000002 Get Azure Devops project data
10 ado-read-variable-groups 0.000004 Get/Print Ado variable group
11 ado-repo 0.000003 Show information about Git repository in Azure Devops project
12 ado-repo-create 0.000003 Creates Git repository in Azure Devops project
13 ado-repo-list 0.000002 List Git repositories in Azure Devops project
14 ado-se-azure-rm 0.000001 Create ado service endpoint for Azure RM
15 alpine-az-cli-install 0.000001 Installs az cli on Alpine
16 alpine-glibc-install 0.000003 Installs glibc on Alpine
17 ambari-hosts 0.000001 Retrieve Ambari cluster hosts/ips information
18 ansible-install 0.000002 Multiplatform ansible installer
19 ansible-tutorial 0.000001 Ansible installer for software engineers
20 app-cpm 0.000005 Install CPAN modules using App::cpm - a fast CPAN module installer
21 app-cpm-wrapper 0.000006 Simple wrapper for App::cpm
22 awk-select-lines 0.000005 Select lines between two patterns using awk
23 aws-configure-function 0.000001 update aws lambda function configuration
24 aws-create-function 0.000002 Create aws lambda function
25 aws-cw-cpu 0.000010 Sparrow plugin to show CPUUtilization for ec2 instance
26 aws-delete-function 0.000001 delete aws lambda function
27 aws-ec2 0.000002 Create/get aws ec2 instance
28 aws-launch-cfg-show 0.000002 Sparrow plugin to print launch configuration in human readable format
29 aws-list-private-images 0.000003 list private aws images
30 aws-list-tag-instances 0.000011 list tagged aws instances in human readable format
31 aws-run-instance 0.000014 run aws instance
32 aws-show-instance 0.000005 Sparrow plugin to print ec2 instance info in human readable format
33 aws-subnet 0.000006 Create/get aws subnet
34 aws-update-function 0.000001 Update aws lambda function code
35 azure-account-set 0.000007 Set Azure account
36 azure-ad-app 0.000001 Get info for Azure ad app
37 azure-adls-acl-check 0.000001 Fetch and check ACL entries for adls folders
38 azure-adls-fs-remove 0.000001 Recursively remove adls folders
39 azure-app-service-info 0.000004 Fetch app service info
40 azure-app-service-plan 0.000004 Update Azure app service plan
41 azure-arm-deploy 0.000013 Simple wrapper for az deployment command
42 azure-authenticate 0.000003 Authenticate to Azure using service principal and save authentication data as a context
43 azure-cert-show 0.000013 Shows essential information of Azure ssl certificate stored in Key Vault
44 azure-create-sp 0.000002 Create azure service principle
45 azure-deploy-arm 0.000003 Deploy arm template
46 azure-dls-account-list 0.000001 List azure dls accounts
47 azure-hdi-cluster 0.000002 Manages hdi cluster using az cli
48 azure-kv-secrets-check 0.000002 Check azure keyvault secrets
49 azure-kv-secrets-check-values 0.000001 Check azure keyvault secrets values
50 azure-kv-set-policy 0.000001 Assign policy to key vault
51 azure-kv-show 0.000005 Simple wrapper around Azure key vault secret show command, with multiple secrets / url notation support
52 azure-list-context 0.000002 List locally saved azure contexts
53 azure-login 0.000002 Login to Auzure using az cli
54 azure-nic-ip-config 0.000001 Show ip configuration for network interface
55 azure-resource-list 0.000003 List azure resources
56 azure-role 0.000003 Manages Azure roles assignments
57 azure-service-principal-info 0.000002 Get info about service principal
58 azure-sql-server-check-fw 0.000001 Check firewall rules for azure sql database server
59 azure-ssl-bind-list 0.000001 List ssl bindings for web application
60 azure-ssl-cert-list 0.000002 List ssl certificates
61 azure-storage-account 0.000003 Create Azure storage account
62 azure-token 0.000001 Get azure token for service principal
63 azure-web-app-appsettings 0.000008 Dump/Validate azure app service application settings
64 azure-web-app-mi 0.000004 Assign managed identity to web application
65 bar-script 0.000003 print bar or rab
66 bash 0.002001 Execute bash commands
67 bash-snippets-interactive-test 0.000003 Run tests against BashSnippets tools with interactive prompt
68 bitbucket-repo 0.004023 Create ( multiple ) bitbucket git repositories.
69 bitbucket-repo-list 0.000006 List Bitbucket repositories. Pagination included! (:
70 catmandu 0.000002 Simple wrapper for Catamandu cli
71 catmandu-smoke 0.000001 Smoke tests for Catmandu
72 cheat 0.000004 Simple wrapper for cheat script from Bash-Snippets
73 check-ssl-cert 0.000004 Check if ssl certificates are expired
74 check-tomcat-deploy 0.000002 Reads tomcat logs and checks if war files get deployed successfully
75 chef-client-install 0.000001 Install chef client
76 cloudup 0.000004 Simple wrapper for cloudup script from Bash-Snippets
77 config-bindish-check 0.000002 Lint BIND9/named kind of config files
78 cpan-package 0.001004 simple cpan modules installer
79 cpan-upload 0.000008 Small wrapper for cpan-upload
80 cro-app 0.000001 Simple cro app generator
81 cro-yaml 0.000002 Simple cro yaml file generator
82 crypt 0.000004 Simple wrapper for crypt script from Bash-Snippets
83 crypt-image-smoke 0.000002 Smoke tests for Crypt::Image module
84 csv-add-column 0.000004 Add Column to end every line in CSV file using awk
85 csvtotable 0.001002 Sparrow wrapper for csvtotable
86 curl 0.000004 Simple wrapper for curl
87 currency 0.000005 Simple wrapper for currency script from Bash-Snippets
88 df-check 0.002006 elementary file system checks using df utility report
89 diff-so-fancy-test 0.000002 test for diff-so-fancy parser
90 dir-folder-start 0.000002 Shows sub folders statistic for given directory
91 directory 0.002000 Manages directories
92 docker-cli 0.000006 Simple task to run/stop docker
93 docker-engine 0.001017 installs docker engine
94 docker-remove-dangling-images 0.000008 Remove dangling docker images and stopped containers
95 ds-2d-selection-sort 0.000001 Double direction selection sort. Raku implementation
96 ds-binary-tree-bft 0.000004 An example of binary tree breadth first traversal with recursion using Raku
97 ds-binary-tree-bft2 0.000004 An example of binary tree breadth first traversal with fifo queue using Raku
98 ds-binary-tree-create-from-traversal 0.000003 An example of creation of binary tree from InOrder and PreOrder traversals arrays
99 ds-binary-tree-dft 0.000006 An example of binary tree depth first traversal using Raku
100 ds-binary-tree-height 0.000002 An example of calculating height of binary tree using Raku
101 ds-binary-tree-lvp 0.000002 Print left view of binary tree using Raku
102 ds-binary-tree-lvpr 0.000001 Print left view of binary tree with recursive search using Raku
103 ds-bubble-sort 0.000003 Bubble sort. Raku and Python implementation
104 ds-count-pairs-for-sum 0.000001 Perl implimentation of count pairs with given sum task
105 ds-graph-bft 0.000005 Directed graph breadth first traversal. Raku and Python implementation
106 ds-graph-dft 0.000001 Directed graph depth first traversal. Raku implementation
107 ds-graph-shortest-path-in-unw-graph 0.000001 Shortest path in an unweighted graph using BFS. Raku implimentation
108 ds-hops 0.000001 Python implimentation of meta hops task
109 ds-insertion-sort 0.000003 Insertion sort. Raku and Python implementation
110 ds-insertion-sort-linked-list 0.000003 Insertion sort with a single linked list. Raku and Python implementation
111 ds-inv-count-merge-sort 0.000001 Inversions count by merge sort. Raku implementation
112 ds-merge-sort 0.000003 Merge sort. Raku and Python implementation
113 ds-meta-cafeteria 0.000004 Python implimentation of meta cafeteria task
114 ds-meta-rabbit-hole 0.000001 Python implementation of meta rabbit hole task
115 ds-palindrome-permutation 0.000001 Perl implimentation of palindrome permutation task
116 ds-selection-sort 0.000003 Selection sort. Raku implementation
117 ds-trapping-rain-water 0.000001 Perl implimentation of trapping rain water task
118 ds-urlify 0.000001 Perl implimentation of urlify task
119 fez-login 0.000003 Provides fez login
120 fez-meta 0.000001 Sets fez account meta info
121 file 0.000007 Simple file manager
122 file-compare-columns 0.000004 Simple file/columns compare tool
123 file-touch-smoke 0.000006 Smoke tests for File::Touch module
124 foo-generic 0.001001 test generic plugin
125 foo-test 0.000001 Simple plugin for test
126 gcp-bucket-anonymous-access 0.000002 Sets anonymous read access to a GCP storage bucket
127 gcp-data-store-bookshelf 0.000004 An Example of Ruby API for Google Gloud DataStore
128 geo 0.000004 Simple wrapper for geo script from Bash-Snippets
129 gh-pr-list 0.000007 Get PRs list for a GutHub repository
130 git-async-push 0.001016 Make an asynchronous push to remote git repositories
131 git-base 0.003001 Installs git and makes simple git configuration.
132 git-bash-completion 0.000002 Installs git bash completion
133 git-branch-delete 0.000001 Remove git branch (local and remote)
134 git-commit 0.000003 Make git commit
135 git-commit-data 0.000004 Get git commit data
136 git-commits-by-author 0.000008 List total commits by author (sorted by commit count)
137 git-commits-by-author-and-period 0.000001 List total commits by author for period of time
138 git-current-branch 0.000001 Get current git branch
139 git-dir-pull 0.000001 Walks through the list of sub directories ( located at $CWD ) and invoke git pull command for every directory found.
140 git-fix-email 0.000001 Fix pushed commits with wrong email
141 git-pull 0.000002 Make git pull for current branch
142 git-push 0.000007 Make git push for current branch
143 git-submodules-update 0.001009 recursively update git submodules
144 git-svn-export 0.004010 Export (multiple) svn repositories into (multiple) git repositories.
145 git-updated-dirs 0.000004 Get directories updated between git commits
146 git-url-https-to-ssh 0.000001 Replace github git https URL by ssh equivalent
147 gitea-reporter 0.000005 Gitea reporter
148 gitlab-run-pipeline 0.000005 Runs gitlab pipeline
149 gitprep 0.002001 Installs gitprep server
150 go-example 0.000006 golang API example
151 good-doc 0.000014 Verify that documentation is good enough
152 goss 0.000003 goss wrapper
153 group 0.001000 Manages Linux/UNIX groups
154 http-status 0.000002 A simple wrapper around HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker to identify if URL requested return successful http code
155 jinja-template 0.000001 Jinja templater
156 jinjalint 0.000002 Wrapper for jinja2-lint
157 jira-rest-class-smoke 0.000001 Smoke tests for JIRA-REST-Class
158 js-minify 0.000003 Minify a JavaScript file by using JavaScript::Minifier
159 json-lint 0.000005 Simple json linter
160 k8s-config-check 0.000007 Check k8s config maps and secrets
161 k8s-deployment 0.000008 Create, delete k8s deployments
162 k8s-deployment-check 0.000017 Check k8s deployments and stateful sets
163 k8s-master-check 0.000003 Simple check for kubernetes master
164 k8s-node-check 0.000001 Check k8s node
165 k8s-pod-check 0.000012 Checks that k8s pod(s) is running
166 ld-fetch-word 0.000011 Fetch phrases from longman
167 license-spdx 0.000005 Check License using License::SPDX
168 linux-install-az-cli 0.000001 Installs az cli on linux
169 linux-install-powershell 0.000001 Installs powershell on linux
170 linux-proc-maps-smoke 0.000002 Smoke tests for Linux::Proc::Maps
171 logdog 0.001000 smart beagle to find suspicious entries in your logs for the period of time
172 longman-online 0.001004 Strip longman online dictionary examples and sound tracks
173 mako-template 0.000001 mako templater
174 memcached-check 0.000001 checks if memcached server is healthy
175 meta6-bin 0.000003 Simple meta6-bin runner
176 metacpan-api-packages-status 0.000006 Checks packages statuses at MetaCPAN. A list of packages is taken from 02packages file
177 mi6-dist-ini 0.000004 Regenerate mi6 dist.ini and .gitignore files for Perl6 project
178 minikube-install 0.000001 Installs minikube and kubectl
179 module-release 0.001003 just a wrapper for Module::Release release script, see https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Module-Release/script/release
180 mojolicious-app-smoke 0.000002 smoke tests for our Mojolicious application
181 mongodb 0.000002 Installs mongo db
182 movies 0.000004 Simple wrapper for movies script from Bash-Snippets
183 mssql-check-login 0.000002 Simple login checker based on sqlcmd utility
184 mssql-db-user 0.000018 Creates mssql user and grants permissions for database
185 my-cool-script 0.000001 my cool script
186 nagios-split-host 0.000003 Split nagios config by hosts and save found hosts configurations to distinct files
187 nano-setup 0.001005 set up nano rc file
188 nanorc-raku 0.000001 Installs Raku nanorc syntax highlighter
189 net-ping 0.000004 A simple wrapper around Net::Ping to identify if host is alive
190 nginx-check 0.001002 checks if nginx server is healthy by executing low level system checks ( ps, etime )
191 nginx-check-example 0.000001 nginx check script
192 nginx-example 0.001000 simple nginx server installer for Ubuntu
193 oc-get-pods 0.000001 Get openshift pods
194 openssl-cert 0.000002 Create self signed SSL cert using openssl client
195 outth-mysql-cookbook 0.000007 outthentic tests for opscode mysql cookook
196 p6-algorithm-minmaxheap-smoke 0.000002 Smoke tests for Algorithm::MinMaxHeap
197 pack-unpack 0.000001 Simple wrapper against tar/gzip linux utility
198 package-generic 0.004001 Generic package manager. Installs packages using OS specific package managers (yum,apt-get,apk)
199 perl-app 0.001005 Installs Perl psgi application and dependencies, runs application as ubic service with Starman
200 perl-file-dir-dumper-smoke 0.000004 Smoke tests for File::Dir::Dumper module
201 perl6-dir-install 0.000003 Walk through the list of sub directories ( located at $CWD ) and tries to install Perl6 modules found
202 perl6-prove 0.000010 pre-commit hook - runs prove for Perl6 project
203 perlbrew 0.001004 A simple wrapper to automate perlbrew installation
204 png-compress 0.000002 Compress PNG images by using GD library
205 postgresql-check 0.000003 checks if postgresql server is healthy
206 proc-validate 0.001003 Simple Linux/UNIX process validator
207 puck 0.000002 Simple wrapper for puck script
208 pwgen 0.000004 Simple Perl Based password generator
209 pypi-cli 0.000001 Wrapper around pypi-cli
210 python-echo-script 0.001001 this is my simple echo script
211 python-helpers 0.000008 Python helpers for daily work
212 python-sparrow-plugin 0.000006 An example of python based Sparrow plugin
213 qrify 0.000004 Simple wrapper for qrify script from Bash-Snippets
214 raku-env-info 0.000001 Dump Raku environment info
215 raku-native-deps 0.000012 Parses meta file of Raku module and return native dependencies as package names
216 raku-utils-ddt 0.000002 Sparrow plugin for dtd utility
217 raku-utils-fez 0.000003 Sparrow plugin for fez - one way to upload your dists to the masses
218 raku-utils-mi6 0.000003 Sparrow plugin for mi6 utility
219 raku-utils-pod-weave 0.000001 Sparrow plugin for Pod::Weave pod-weave utility
220 raku-utils-raku-fuser 0.000001 Sparrow plugin for Linux::Fuser - Discover which process has a file open, in pure Raku
221 raku-utils-system-stats-cpu-usage 0.000001 Provides Statistics CPU Usage in percentage using System::Stats::CPUsage
222 raku-utils-system-stats-disk-usage 0.000001 Disk usage info using System::Stats::DISKUsage
223 raku-utils-system-stats-mem-usage 0.000001 Memory Usage statistics using System::Stats::MEMUsage
224 rakudo-install 0.002005 Install Rakudo as system package
225 ruby-echo-script 0.001000 this is my simple echo script
226 ruby-test 0.001003 test ruby plugin
227 rvm 0.000002 install rvm and Ruby
228 sd-meta-portals 0.000001 Meta portals coding puzzle solution
229 sendmail 0.000002 read text from STDIN and send it by email as attched file
230 service 0.002003 Manages Linux services
231 set-mysql 0.000001 Simple MySQL setup
232 short 0.000004 Simple wrapper for short script from Bash-Snippets
233 sparky-db 0.000002 Utility to manipulate Sparky SQLite DB
234 sparky-index-update 0.000001 Traverse sparky tasks and set no_index_update to true
235 sparkyci-package-build-essential 0.000003 Installs build-essential meta package on sparkyci
236 sparkyci-package-mysql 0.000002 Installs mysql meta package on sparkyci
237 sparkyci-package-python 0.000004 Installs python3/pip/py3-pytest packages
238 sparkyci-package-rakudo 0.000010 Installs rakudo meta package on sparkyci
239 sparkyci-package-sparrow 0.000003 Installs sparrow meta package on sparkyci
240 sparkyci-package-xml 0.000003 Installs xml meta package on sparkyci
241 sparkyci-package-zeromq 0.000001 Installs zeromq meta package on sparkyci
242 sparkyci-service-mysql 0.000016 Installs mysql service on sparkyci
243 sparkyci-service-postgresql 0.000013 Installs postgresql service on sparkyci
244 sparkyci-tool-apkbuild 0.000049 Build alpine package for Raku module distribution
245 sparrowci-package-rakudo 0.000002 Installs rakudo package on sparrowci
246 speedtest-cli 0.000006 Simple wrapper for speedtest-cli from https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli
247 sqlcmd-linux-install 0.000004 Installs sqlcmd on linux
248 sqltextify 0.000008 Wrapper for sqltextify.pl
249 ssh-bulk-check 0.000008 Check multiple hosts states over ssh
250 ssh-sudo-check 0.003001 Connects to remote server by ssh and checks if user gets listed in `sudoers' group. This effectively means user has a sudo access on this server.
251 ssh-sudo-try 0.004005 Connects to remote server by ssh and determines if user has sudo access for some command
252 ssh-test1 0.000005
253 sshd-check 0.001004 simple check if your sshd daemon seen at process list
254 stale-proc-check 0.005001 Find stale processes at your server
255 stocks 0.001000 Get stocks price using yfinance module
256 svn-to-git-submodules 0.000011 generate git submodules entries based on output from svn list command
257 taste 0.000004 Simple wrapper for taste script from Bash-Snippets
258 templater 0.000013 Simple templater
259 test 0.000005 test plugin
260 test-raku 0.000003 test Raku plugin
261 text-markdown 0.000001 Markdown convertor
262 tflint 0.000001 Wrapper for tflint
263 timetest 0.000001 timetest plugin
264 tomtit-pl6-to-raku 0.000008 Rename files `*.pl6, *.pm6` to `*.raku, *.rakumod`
265 user 0.002001 Manages Linux users
266 uwp-self-signed-cert 0.000003 Generates self signed certificate to sign Microsoft app packages
267 vault 0.000003 Simple wrapper for vault script
268 vsts-build 0.000001 Small wrapper for vsts build through vsts cli
269 vsts-schedule-build-check 0.000010 Checks scheduleled vsts builds
270 weasyprint 0.000001 weasyprint wrapper
271 weather 0.000005 Simple wrapper for weather script from Bash-Snippets
272 web-service-fake-smoke 0.000003 Smoke tests for Web Service Faker
273 web_trawler 0.000004 Simple wrapper for web_trawler script
274 yaml-lint 0.000008 Lint yaml files
275 yandex-disk 0.000005 CLI for Yandex::Disk
276 ytview 0.000004 Simple wrapper for ytview script from Bash-Snippets
277 zef 0.000009 Wrapper for zef installer
278 zef-fetch 0.001000 Fetch zef distribution and return location of download directory